Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Cats the Musical Interview with Melissa Grohowski

Photo credit: 2010 Joan Marcus
Actress Melissa Grohowski has done a lot of "felinity" over the past two years. She initially joined the cast of Cats the Musical as the vocal swing. After learning and performing multiple Jellicle cats, Melissa has played her fair share of frisky felines. More recently, she has landed the lead role of the Glamour cat herself, Grizabella. (And yes, she gets to sing that song.) We chatted with Melissa about how she prepared for such an iconic role, learned what "felinity" means within the context of Cats the Musical, and found out which ironic show-related allergic Mellisa has. Is the lead actress of Cats a cat person herself? Read on to find out!

F: Can you describe the character of Grizabella?

M: Grizabella is one of those characters that anybody can really relate to. She once was this beautiful, almost like a movie star persona. She left the tribe in order to pursue life and just live. And life ran her down. When she decided to come back into the tribe, that’s why they shun her. I feel like she’s one of the strongest characters I’ve ever played. She’s a very strong woman who knows in her heart that she belongs in her family and just has this hope that they’ll be respectful and let her back in.

F: I understand this is not your first time in Cats the Musical? Who did you play before?

M: No, this is my second year. Last year I was the vocal swing for the show. And I was covering Grizabella. Both jobs are exteremely hard. With swings, I had to learn multiple roles and just always be on my toes not knowing whether I’m going to be onstage. I’ve had to go on during intermission or I would have to change characters right before curtain or I would not be on for a few weeks.

Growing up, I adored Cats. I think I played the videotape at least 300 times. Grizabella is a role I never thought I’d be playing, especially at the age I am. I am very honoured and blessed to be part of such an amazing cast and such an amazing show.

Photo credit: 2010 Joan Marcus

F: What kind of preparation did you have to do to play a cat onstage?

M: I had to do a lot of research. It’s about us being cats, so we have to not be human at all onstage. For rehearsals, we would do our warm-up and then we would have forty five minutes of “felinity” which is basically finding the inner feline in ourselves. We would work a lot with making our hands into paws. And using our backs. A lot of contractions and playing with each other. Learning the space around us. Using our senses a lot. Just trying to find the feline in us. And that was a huge part of preparing for the role. Even on tour, we go back to it. Cause you can always grow within that.

F: Are you a cat person yourself?

M: I’m actually allergic to cats! [laughs] I love cats and I think they’re amazing creatures. They’re so independent.  I can watch cats for hours, especially after doing this show. But I am definitely allergic to cats. I start sneezing and I get very watery eyed. I hate it, but it’s just how I am. I’ll play with them as much as I can, but then I’ll have to give them back because I’m having an allergic reaction. There’s actually a few of us that are allergic to cats in the show.

F: How long does the makeup take for you guys to transform into cats?

M: It depends on the person. It takes me 30 minutes to get into “basic” Grizabella. Cause I’m in the opening number but I’m not full-out Grizabella yet until later in the show. I have another makeup transformation which takes about fifteen minutes after that.

F: What’s the difference between “basic” Grizabella and…

M: We call it “specialty.” I’m sure you’ve seen the costume with the rabbit coat and the heels. Those don’t make an appearance until later when I’m actually introduced as Grizabella, the Glamour Cat.

F: Do guys have makeup artists or do you do the makeup yourselves?

M: We do the makeup ourselves but when we’re in rehearsals, our head of wigs and makeup, Jimmy Goode, will put the makeup on us and show us exactly what he wants. And then we mimic it. We have a lot of time to practice because it’s difficult. But we do all of our own makeup.

Photo credit: 2010 Joan Marcus

F: Your makeup is different from some of the past Grizabellas we’ve seen. Were you involved in the creative process for the makeup?

M: Not really. Jimmy definitely had the look that he wanted. But also, he will work with your face. All of our structures are different. So if a line didn’t work, then we would change it. There was definitely a process and we did it so it would work with my face. With Elaine Paige [in the 1998 film], being a movie makeup, that was very human because they could do a lot of closeups. Onstage we’re a little bit farther away so it’s gonna be different.

F: If you can play a part in a show that was a different animal, what animal would it be?

M: I’m gonna go with my favourite animal, which is an otter. I don’t know if there’s another show with an otter in it. I wish I could play an otter!

If I had to do an actual musical, I would want to be one of the birds in Seussical. I’ve never done that show, but I’ve seen it multiple times. It’s just the most fun, happy show. And the music is beautiful.

F: What’s something you’ve had to do onstage that you’ve never thought you’d have to do?

M: I had to once in a show, I actually played a Dominatrix and I had to use a whip. And I never thought I would have to use a whip onstage. I had never used a whip and it was Indiana Jones style, like a huge rope. I took a couple of tries for that one, but that was a great show. It was awesome and fun.

Queen Elizabeth Theatre
April 10 - 15, 2012
Tickets via Ticketmaster

Posted by Filipina Colada

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