Sunday, July 22, 2012

IMATS Day 2 Photo Gallery

with Karley & Nicole (Team 4 from the ACT5 contest!)
This weekend, the International Makeup Artist Trade Show (IMATS) returned to Canada Place for Vancouver's biggest makeup weekend. And as though the weekend couldn't be even fuller, I also spent the weekend competing in a creative competition for ACT5 Cosmetics.

Awesome is the weekend when you get to meet the creator of one of your greatest nightmares as a child. Vancouver Special FX Artist Toby Lindala was one of the keynote speakers at this year's IMATS. I was enthralled to find out that he was the creator of the Flukeman from the X-Files, the one creature that genuinely freaked me out and made me scared of using a toilet for months as a kid.

It was quite the experience to be surrounded by so much talent and so many of my wonderful peers. I consider myself no newbie to conventions, but this is not only my first IMATS, it is also the first convention I have ever attended relating to my career of choice. There was definitely lots to see, lots to learn... and way too much shopping.

Host company Make-up Artist Magazine
Left: Emmy-award winner Eve Pearl
Top Right: Eve Pearl with the ladies of Blanche MacDonald
Bottom Right: Raven & Miranda at the Eve Pearl booth

Left: BMC Makeup Career Director Heather Sosa
Top Right: The ladies of CurliQue
Bottom Right: BMC Instructor Ashley Forshaw and her "Dollhouse" creation
Makeup Museum pieces from Lindala Schminken FX,
Vancouver Makeup FX, and Masters FX
Progression photos of "Burnout" demo by BMC Instructor Celine Godeau
"Dollhouse" by BMC Instructor Ashley Forshaw
First place Prosthetics winner Jessica Martin (congrats girl!!!)
Left: Second Place Prosthetics winner
Right: Prosthetics student competition finalists
Third place prosthetics winner Mellisa Meretsky
(watch out for this multi-talent wonder!)
BMC finalists in the prosthetics competition
with the lovely Stacey at the Nigel booth
(check out that Lip Tar! HOT!)
Top Left: Keynote speaker Toby Lindala
Top right: Vegan shirt! Chatting with Toby at the Makeup Mag booth
Bottom left: The Flukeman *shudder*
Bottom right: Got the autograph!
The folks from Studio F/X
Ben Nye 2-D special FX demo
The fabulous Leah Cuff and her old-age makeup at the BN booth
Rat prosthetic makeup from Vancouver Makeup Effects
Makeup demos from John Casablancas (left) and Vancouver Film School (right)
Top left and right: Mermaid makeup by Bev Hoy for New Image
Bottom left: Prosthetic demo by New Image
Left: Airbrushing by European Body Art
Top Right: Kevin James Bennett demo
Bottom Right: Brea at the Eve Pearl booth
Major geek buy: the Star Wars editions of Make-up Artist Magazine
The one thing I spent the most on... brushes!!!
So it'll be another year before the IMATS returns to Vancouver. Hopefully by then, I'll either be really close to getting into the makeup union, be apprenticing for a Special FX shop, or at the very least... close to paying off my student loan! Given the amazing steals that I took advantage of, I know I'm slowly getting closer and closer to those goals.

Good night Vancouver! You never cease to amaze me!

Posted by SnapDragon

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