Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bringing out youthful truth from an old opera

La Boheme, one of the most beloved operas of all time, is at its core about the triumph and folly of youth. Which is why Vancouver Opera succeeds at bringing life to its most recent version of the play by casting young performers in the lead roles.

Krisztina Szabo and Etinne Dupuis
[Photo by Tim Matheson]
Queen Elizabeth Theatre
October 20-28, 2012

All in their mid-30s in real life, the four lead actors begin the opera with so much youthful energy, you'd swear they were gleefully reliving their University dorm days. The whole cast has an incredible chemistry together, and their comfortable interactions makes the play all the more vibrant.

There are two sets of lovers in the play, and their tight but oh-so-slightly awkward chemistry make the relationships all the more believable. The actors manage to bring out hints of youthful uncertainty and pride in their romance, that it ultimately adds depth to their imperfect love story.

Marriane Fiset as Mimi
[Photo by Tim Matheson]
Marriane Fiset's Mimi is sweet, likeable, and delightfully demure. Her "Mi chiamano Mimi" is so vulnerable and honest, I couldn't help but get goosebumps.

Krisztina Szabo and Etienne Dupuis as feuding couple Musetta and Marcello manage to delight and add a modern level of humour to both the more serious and lighthearted parts of the opera. Despite having less stage time, Szabo proves that she was cast in the right role by successfully display depth within her flamboyant, attention-seeking character.

The sets are simple, yet effective and appropriately reflect the squalor of the Bohemian lifestyle. The lighting does an amazing job of setting the tone and mood for each act.

Up next for Vancouver Opera is Pirates of Penzance, which opens on Dec 1st. Tickets for Vancouver Opera shows are available via their website,

Posted by Filipina Colada

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