Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Upcoming Events - March & April 2012

Divas and Gaymers and Bears, oh my! Everyone's getting out of their post-holiday schlump and suddenly there's events springing up all over the place! The personas got together to list out their picks. If you like being surrounded by the sound of belting divas, or by manly men dressed in rubber, or by hoards upon hoards of geeks, nerds, and gamers... there's something upcoming to look forward to.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Timey Wimey with Noel and Serah

The FFXII-2 protagonists
Final Fantasy XIII-2 seems to be entirely themed around the phenomenon of time travel. With the threat of the Fal'Cie now gone, players take control of Serah Farron and mysterious newcomer Noel Kreiss to unravel the mysteries of the paradox. The plot plays out like a series of vignettes from time-travel show Doctor Who. The sidequests and minigames are reminiscent of games from the PS1 era... even the graphics look like they were made about half a decade ago for the PS2. Yes, you read that right... graphics were a major fail! Was it at least better than X-2? Read on to find out.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Makeup FX Interview with Prosthetics Master Conor McCullaugh

Conor McCullaugh with one of his IMATS LA 2011 creations
Makeup enthusiasts will probably recognize Conor McCullaugh as the first winner of Syfy's prosthetic makeup reality show Face Off. For everyone else, you're probably more familiar with Conor's work than you think. With two decades of experience in the movie magic business, Conor has created some really memorable makeups including Freddy Kreuger, Shallow Hal, Osmosis Jones, and even the old men from Jackass: The Movie.

Since his Face Off victory, Conor's career has really taken off. He graciously took some time to chat with us about his beginnings in the industry, recalls some of his more challenging moments on set, and provides some advice for budding makeup artists.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Review - FCP's Drood a unique, enjoyable romp with definite "replay value"

The cast of The Mystery of Edwin Drood
The Mystery of Edwin Drood by Fighting Chance Productions is a fun, comedic romp that employs quite a few metatheatrical devices not seen in most musicals. Based on Charles Dicken's final and unfinished novel of the same title, the show quite literally begins the moment you enter the theatre. There is absolutely no fourth wall, the cast interacts with the audience throughout the production, and the ending is determined by audience vote. Very tongue-in-cheek and incredibly self-aware, Drood also features a great mix of both new and seasoned local musical talent.

We were there for a packed opening night to find out the mystery... er... see who the opening night audience would choose as the cold-blooded murderer of Edwin Drood! The choice matters, as whoever gets chosen gets to have some extra time in the spotlight. Honestly, it was like watching an Agatha Christie musical that ends with the Clue version of American Idol.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Vancouver Opera Getting Ready For A Massive Production of Aida

VO Company Manager
Adrianne Wurz
[Photo by Tim Matheson]
Fresh from the success of Romeo et Juliette, Vancouver Opera is preparing for one of its grandest productions to date. With nearly two hundred people comprising the cast, the crew, and the orchestra, the Queen Elizabeth Theatre is going to boast a packed stage for the upcoming Aida. We chatted with company manager Adrianne Wurz to learn more about this season’s majestic closing production (plus, read on for a chance to be onstage for Aida!)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Mystery of Edwin Drood interview with Sarah Wolfman-Robichaud

Sarah Wolfman-Robichaud
The Mystery of Edwin Drood is the first ever musical to feature multiple endings. It is also known for the audience participation factor involved that is integral to the show. So how exactly does that work? Fighting Chance Production's Sarah Wolfman-Robichaud plays the title character of Edwin Drood in drag... well... she plays a character who plays the title character of Edwin Drood in drag. We sat down with Sarah for an interview to learn a bit more about what exactly goes on in this choose-your-own-ending musical.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Review - Beauty and the Beast, a tale worth revisiting

Dane Agostinis and Emily Behny
With the original theatrical release now hitting two decades old, is this tale really as timeless as the song suggests? If the number of excited little girls dressed in gowns at opening night was any indication, it looks like Beauty and the Beast will continue to have fans for years to come. The stage version expands the film with the addition of extra scenes and musical numbers. This not only adds more depth to the characters, it also provides the cast with numerous chances to dazzle the audience or have them bursting with laughter. A fantastic, high-energy production and some impressive stage magic make this show an absolute joy to see.