Thursday, February 9, 2012

Review - Beauty and the Beast, a tale worth revisiting

Dane Agostinis and Emily Behny
With the original theatrical release now hitting two decades old, is this tale really as timeless as the song suggests? If the number of excited little girls dressed in gowns at opening night was any indication, it looks like Beauty and the Beast will continue to have fans for years to come. The stage version expands the film with the addition of extra scenes and musical numbers. This not only adds more depth to the characters, it also provides the cast with numerous chances to dazzle the audience or have them bursting with laughter. A fantastic, high-energy production and some impressive stage magic make this show an absolute joy to see.

Belle, the book-loving outcast with a panache for dreaming big, has always been a favourite of mine among the Disney princesses. Emily Behny is delightfully cast as the gentle but headstrong Belle. Her rendition of "A Change In Me" was particularly memorable. I wouldn't be surprised if her distinctively sweet voice leads Behny to giving life to a cartoon princess sometime in the near future.

Emily Behny (Belle) with the ensemble

Dane Agostinis shines in his dramatic and comedic portrayal of the Beast. It's rather hard to steal scenes when the lead character himself has the audience bursting out laughing with perfect comedic timing in some rather unexpected moments. With his impressive range and powerful, heartfelt voice, Agostinis stood out from within a rather impressive cast.
Logan Denninghoff (Gaston) with the ensemble
Logan Denninghoff as Gaston and Jen Bechter as Madame de la Grande Bouche did manage to steal some scenes with charming character comedy. Along with Michael Haller, Julia Louise Hosack, and Chandon Jones, they led a rather large cast in performing a number of high energy ensemble pieces. New additions "Human Again" and a beer mug dance integrated into "Gaston" were two very welcome pieces that had me feeling gleefully giddy.

At times the play feels like a glorified Disneyland attraction, which is not always a bad thing. There were multiple scenes that gave me goosebumps, resulting from a combination of amazing stage magic plus a full orchestra playing Alan Menken's masterful score. Sometimes the play tries a little too hard to look just like the movie, but in most instances the cast and crew are more than successful at bringing the timeless classic to life.

"Be Our Guest" definitely made me feel like a kid again
[Emily Behny (Belle), Michael Haller (Lumiere) with the ensemble]
In case you missed it, be sure to check out our interview with Dane Agostinis.

Beauty and the Beast is playing at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre until Feb 12, 2012. Tickets via

Posted by Filipina Colada

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