Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Drag Talk w/ Amanda Pushawn

Amanda Pushawn
She's flashy, over-the-top, and her wigs are one of a kind! Local Vancouver queen Amanda Pushawn has been doing drag for nine years and she's been performing for a lot longer. Now Amanda is bringing a complete rarity to Vancouver, a live drag show complete with a full band in a... wait for it... dinner theatre setting! And yes, by live we mean she'll be singing with her own classy set of pipes!

No one's going to be lip-syncing for their life at Priscilla @ Priscilla's. Instead, expect to see a high energy show with lots of classics from the timeless movie. "I Will Survive," "Color My World," and "Downtown," to name a few. And of course, what's a drag show without some fabulous costume changes?

We chatted with Amanda over the phone to get more details about the exciting night and to talk more about how Aussie drag differs from the kind of drag we're used to seeing in North America.

Updated! Pride show July 26.
1047 Davie St
$5 at the door
For reservations, call 604 687 3333

F: Dinner theatre (and live drag, for that matter) is very rare in Vancouver. What inspired you to put this show together?

A: The restaurant where I’m doing it at in the last year changed their name to Priscilla’s. So I thought it would be great to have a Priscilla show done there. It’s the perfect venue for it. They have their own little stage and sound equipment and all that stuff. So I thought, “Why not a live show?” 

I’ve been singing since I’ve six and I’ve been doing drag shows for the last eight or nine years. Within the last four years I’ve been doing over-the-top drag which I learned in Australia when I was living there for a year.

F: How is Australian drag different from North American drag?

A: What I’ve discovered is a lot of North American drag queens like to impersonate females. It’s female illusion, trying to get the authentic female look. Whereas a lot of drag queens in Australia, they like to do over-the-top drag. Out of the box. Anything that’s big and beautiful and lots of feathers and big wigs and big costumes and anything flashy. They’ve been doing that for years and that’s where I see the difference is.

I had the opportunity when I was over there to learn some of that stuff. So when I came back to Canada, I incorporated that into my act and it’s been a huge success. I always get a lot of attention when I go out and it’s this niche that I’ve developed. I’m the only one in North America that makes foam wigs, that I know of.

Amanda at Wiggle
F: How long does it take to make one of your foam wigs? I realize it probably varies, so how long did it take to make the Ferris Wheel wig from Wiggle?

A: About a week, a week and a half. If I had a little longer time I would make it rotate. But you can only do so much! [laughs]

F: In Priscilla, the queens end the show with larger-than-life animal-inspired drag. If you had to do one from local Vancouver wildlife, which one would you do?

A: Probably an orca. That would be great! It’s big and over-the-top and you can make it flamboyant!

Out of the box. Over the top!
F: They’re letting you recast a current version of Priscilla, who would you cast as the three drag queens?

A: I’d say Channing Tatum would play Felicia. He would be awesome in it. For Bernadette… the current actor on Broadway right now, his name is Tony Sheldon. Does an awesome job with Bernadette, so I would cast him. And for Tick/Mitzi, that’s a hard one. Because he’s the in-between character, so there would be a few people who would be able to take that role… I dunno, someone like Tom Cruise. With all the rumours flying around, that would add fuel to the fire [laughs].

Posted by Filipina Colada

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