Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Vancouver Fan Expo Gender Benders

OK, so this post is a little late. But with the recent historic moment in queer geekdom, I thought it appropriate to make a gallery of gender bending cosplays from this year's Vancouver Fan Expo.

Nope, drag queens weren't the only ones challenging the gender norms at FanExpo this year. There were tons of fabulous girls dressed out as their favourite characters in varying degrees of femininity and masculinity.

Drag at conventions is hit-or-miss, even in liberal Vancouver. The yearly anime convention, Anime Revolution (formerly A. Evolution) has had a bad track record with its queer programming, especially with their yearly "trap cosplay contests". Seriously, am I the only one who finds major offense with that term? What's wrong with drag or even crossplay contest?

Luckily, Fan Expo was more about the fans and boy did they come out in hoards! More galleries [here] and [here]. Plus the full gallery on [Flickr].

Iron Man

The Doctor and Captain Harkness



Harley Quinn (w/ Batman)
Link #1

Link #2

w/ Raye Sunshine as Dark Phoenix & DJ Dominic as Cyclops

Thor and Loki
Posted by SnapDragon


  1. I must say, you're the first person I've seen who is offended by the term "trap". Most people who do trap cosplay see it as its own "school" of cross-dressing. While Drag aims for gender caricature, trap cosplay aims for mimicry. Kind of like stage versus method acting. It also makes episodes of Yu-gi-oh more entertaining to watch. (You've fallen for my trap card!) Have you been to Anime Evolution before?

    1. Could you link me to any more info on "trap" crossdressing? I don't have any issues with the sub-genre itself. My main beef is that the term implies some level of forced sexuality and can foster an unhealthy fear of transpersons. After all, aren't we supposed to fear traps?

      And yes... I've totally been to Anime Evolution. :) I hosted the yaoi panel in 2010. And yes... I was a little offended when people referred to me as a trap. After a long day of line-ups and sweating into a fabulous costume, the last thing on my mind was seducing some innocent nerd, lol.
