Sunday, January 29, 2012

Beauty and the Beast interview with Dane Agostinis

Dane Agostinis
Leading man Dane Agostinis is very excited to be coming to Vancouver. We sat down with the star of the current Beauty and the Beast tour via Skype and chatted with him about some of the "magical" moments on the tour so far, exactly how long it takes for him to put on the Beast costume himself, and why Vancouver holds a very special place in his heart.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

It's PvZ, all growed up... into the Dungeon Keeper

Plants vs Zombies got me hooked on the tower defense genre. Since completing the game (the original... and the iPhone port... and the 360 port...) I've been on the look-out for its spiritual successor. And I think I've finally found it!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Filipina's Theatre Preview Jan - Feb

A drag queen doing theatre coverage?! What? Scandalous! Well, considering the Playhouse mainstage just played host to four vivacious drag queens in their recent production of La Cage aux Folles, Vancouver audiences shouldn't be surprised by an overabundance of glitter and sequins.

The... wait, what exactly do you call a group of drag queens?
[Les Cagelles from La Cage aux Folles]
Cast of Do You Want What I Have Got?
[Photo by Tim Matheson]

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

You've Got Balls To Be Wearing That

Last Christmas, my bff Nelson surprised me with an incredibly pink bunny spirit hood. Initially I thought it might be a bit small, but once I realized how snug it was I quickly fell in love with it. It's perfectly warm, delightfully cute, and just my shade of pink!

I first became aware of Spirithoods last winter, when my gal Samantha started sporting one during the festivities at Winter Pride in Whistler (which is a totally fab event by the way... the indoor falling snow at last year's Winter Ball was to die for!!) Now "Spirithood" is technically the brand name of the expensive, realistic, faux fur versions of these hoods (and I definitely want one, not gonna lie). Mine is theoretically a "bunny hat with paws," but that sounds far less sexy, so Spirit hood it still is... lol.

The pink bunny hood!