Thursday, January 26, 2012

Meet the Personas - SnapDragon


SnapDragon has been playing videogames as girl, boy, genderless, and genderqueer characters since the age of four. A veteran of console, handheld, tabletop, arcade, and casual gaming, SnapDragon is a big fan of fantasy action-adventure RPGs and strategy titles.

SnapDragon's posts are related to anything about gayming, sci-fi, cosplay, and most things related to geekdom.

Favourite games - Fable 2, Dragon Age: Origins, M&M: Clash of Heroes, Batman: Arkham Asylum
Inspirations - Xena, Edea Kramer, Padme Amidala
Favourite consoles - Xbox 360, Playstation 2, Nintendo DS
Drink of choice - Fuzzy Navel
Favourite color - Gold/Orange

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