Wednesday, January 18, 2012

You've Got Balls To Be Wearing That

Last Christmas, my bff Nelson surprised me with an incredibly pink bunny spirit hood. Initially I thought it might be a bit small, but once I realized how snug it was I quickly fell in love with it. It's perfectly warm, delightfully cute, and just my shade of pink!

I first became aware of Spirithoods last winter, when my gal Samantha started sporting one during the festivities at Winter Pride in Whistler (which is a totally fab event by the way... the indoor falling snow at last year's Winter Ball was to die for!!) Now "Spirithood" is technically the brand name of the expensive, realistic, faux fur versions of these hoods (and I definitely want one, not gonna lie). Mine is theoretically a "bunny hat with paws," but that sounds far less sexy, so Spirit hood it still is... lol.

The pink bunny hood!

Since it started snowing in Vancouver, I've worn the bunny hood out in public quite a bit. People have let me know that they think I'm nuts. Nuts in the good way... at least that's the hope, lol. My favourite was when I got stopped today by the A&W lady near my school and her customer told me that "You must have balls to be wearing that."

Last time I checked, pink is probably one of the least intimidating colours out there, especially on a pink bunny. I never really saw how throwing something cute, comfortable, and very, very warm over your head would necessitate growing a pair, especially in liberal Vancouver. But it takes all sorts I guess. Honestly, the hipster look has been around for a couple of years now. I'm totally over the drab colours that keep popping up in people's wardrobes during winter. Splashes of colour totally make things fun and festive, and this year I'm totally sporting the pink!

A lot of people have been bugging me about where I got the hood, so I should probably get on asking the bff about that (though I'm assuming it's probably next to wherever you can find a pillow pet... of course I also have one).

Spirit hood buddies!
P.S. I already have balls. I think it would've been a lot more effective for someone to say "You've got a vagina to be wearing that." xoxo

Posted by SnapDragon

1 comment:

  1. You know very well by now you can't let other people's opinions dictate what you want to wear. Look at it this way: they're probably jealous because they can't pull it off. / Nelz
